Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wednesday August 27, 2008

This morning I woke up a little late for the delegation breakfast. I threw on some clothes and hurried downstairs so I could get some breakfast. This day we learned that we weren't going to cast our votes by actual role call but we were going to pre-cast our votes after the delegation breakfast. We had to cast our votes with our credentials and license in hand. The Hilary supporters some how thought they would be able to change votes and needed someone to watch the process (whatever). So I cast my vote for Barack Obama of course and signed my beautiful name next to my vote and showed my beautiful picture and thought he has to make it to the white house. After this I managed to get Ibis a community credential for the Obama Speech the following night. Got their watch party passes told them to meet me at the hotel cause we're going to the Hard Rock Cafe to get some free food from some party. We got to the Hard Rock Cafe a little later than others but the Texas party was still rocking and the food was still coming. So we had a nice lunch with fellow Texans and fellow dems. We then decided lets go site seeing for all the protesters and other crazies there might be down the street. So after seeing some of the looniest people in the world, after seeing Ann Whitehead with the actual Verizon Wireless network behind her and after seeing Pas from the Fugees once again and him calling me instead of the other way around and after finally finding a spot at Starbucks and getting some divine coffee we sat. While we were sitting a guy who was filming a documentary asked to sit next to us. He started asking us our views about the race and we were joined by two other women enjoying some coffee. Once we got deep into the conversation he started videotaping us. He videotaped us for an hour before I had to leave for the convention and kept videotaping them after I left. I got to the convention center right when they stopped the role call and Hilary released all her delegates to Obama. Everyone was crying and crying and crying some more. Well then the speeches started rolling. And Bill Clinton had an excellent speech but there was one thing that upset me in his speech. But I'll let it slide. lol. Biden came out and did an exceptional job but oh when Barack came out just to say hello I started crying. I cried so hard because I've never seen someone who could influence change and inspire belief in government.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Barack Obama's Website

I am on Barack Obama's website come check me out.

Tuesday August 26, 2008

Well today is day # 3. I woke up to attend my Texas delegation breakfast and it was alright. Too many people talked. lol. After the breakfast I went downstairs and got my credentials for the day. Today I didn't really have anything to go to during to day so I went to my room blogged, relaxed and downloaded some pictures. I finally got dressed and ready and about 2:00pm went to the bar downstairs to get a bite to eat and a drink. Well guess who was sitting next to me was none other than Melissa Noriega which is Rick Noriega's wife. We began talking and then Rick Noriega came downstairs and ate as well. So there I was having lunch with them. They are actually funny and down to earth. After my wonderful meal and wonderful drinks I boarded the bus to the Pepsi Center. Tonight was Hilary's night to speak so all these Hilary folks were bombarding our seats in the front. And they were all from Washington. I had to keep telling them to move over that is my seat. And then when she came on they all started crying and screaming. After she got finished with her speech those folks were still crying. They cried for about another thirty minutes. I'm sorry there is not that much crying in the world. Well we walked out late because a couple of us in the Texas section got interviewed with CBS. So after that was over we walked out well they told us that Hilary would be coming through and we were like cool. Well after about another twenty minutes Hilary and Bill did finally come through. They had to close the doors in front of us so we could only see through the tiny glass in the door. So of course I take a picture and guess what my picture shows me?? A reflection of the glass with a flash. Duh!! Turn it off. Well after I was upset by not getting a picture I finally used the restroom after three hours of holding it. Finally we went downtown to the Black Caucus Reception at the Pinnacle Club on the 38Th floor of the Grand Hyatt. When we got there I felt under dressed. I had on a nice black shirt and some blue jean slacks but everyone else had on skirts and dresses and looked as if they were going to the club after this. Well I got something to eat because I was starving. And there was an open bar. So I had a couple of cape-coders. After we all got through drinking and eating I had received a call from Ibis that the light rail was marked off with murder tape and they weren't letting them leave so of course being the nosy person that I am I called our hotel the Red Lion to ask what the problem was. They told me there was a young man who had a gun and when security tried to pursue him he started shooting. Well they marked off the whole area so this way they could find him. So they weren't letting anyone go until he was found. I told everyone from the Texas Delegation who was at the party to be sure they called a cab don't go on the light rail because there are crazies there. Well we got our cab after waiting about twenty five minutes outside and it wasn't even a cab it was a town car. The town car we were told would cost ten dollars more than a regular cab but we were okay because we just wanted to get home. After getting to the hotel he told us forty bucks. We said hell yeah because that was cheaper than a regular cab. I went in the hotel told a couple of folks good night and went to bed. I crashed so hard. And that was the end of Tuesday!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Monday August 25, 2008 Denver Colorado

Well today was day #2 in Denver. I thought Sunday was awesome that was until I got on the floor of the Convention. It is so exciting and everyone is chanting and cameras are flashing. I mean its really live here. I started out my day missing the breakfast in the morning. I woke up at 9:35 instead of 7:00. I know a lot of ya'll are saying what else would we expect. But I ran litterally downstairs to ensure my credential was not gone. and it wasn't. I got my bag of goodies and also 50 more invitations. I decided to go to the Hard Rock Cafe and attend a luncheon with Charlie Wilson. He was awesome and the food and memosas were great. lol. I then attended the Youth Council Press Avail and it was cool. After this I got on a bus to the Pepsi Center so I could reserve a great front seat and that is exactly what I did. Second row from the floor and seeing everyone who is anyone walk by and a lot of video footage for media. After a million photos of fam folks and after a million speakers and after the great, beautiful, wonderful, magnificent John sexy Legend, Michelle Obama finally came on. I almost cried cause she is soo great and of course intelligent don't forget beautiful and she is married to Barack Obama. Hello!!! She gave such an awesome awesome speech. She teared up and show real emotion and was genuine. Her two daughters came out and Obama came on live tv from Kansas? And they acted as a regular family. It was great. After her speech we were invited to the Texas Gala which was held at the Mile High Station. We some how didn't follow the right signs to get to those "special buses" so we had to turn around and walk about 1 mile (seemed like) to our actual bus. But despite all this we got there to once again awesome food and awesome drinks. I saw Shelia Jackson Lee and was tempted to ask her why did she choose to support Hilary instead of Barack but figured I'd be nice. After we went home and I crashed in my bed. Well thats it for day #2.

Civil Rights Movement Reception


GIRL FROM GREAT DEBATERS (NAME SOON TO COME) oh janelle told me. . . Journey Smollett



Of course a pic of me!!





ME and IBIS at the ROCKIES GAME!!!!

Don't we look good!

These were our awesome seats!!

I even got a great shot of the pitcher!

And the loser he struck out.

Boyd Richie

Mr. Boyd Richie and I Chelsie Wilson.

My First Day in Denver August 24

My first day in Denver was awesome. I arrived at about 9am Sunday morning and as soon as you got to the baggage claim area they had media waiting and watching, volunteers and a welcoming committee. I was so overwhelmed at first. I got a ride to our hotel which is 20 miles from downtown. Yeah we're way in the boonies. lol. We got to the hotel at about 10am and they let us check in. How awesome is that?? Most hotels would have given us a hard time about "early check-in". The hotel room is nice. And the bar is nice as well. lol. I immediately got a call from a fellow member of Fort Bend Democrats (Ibis) and she so nicely invited me to go to the Rockies baseball game with her and family. So I went to enjoy a beautiful, breezy sunny day out in the "Mile High City". After the game Ibis took me back to the hotel and I got ready for the Civil Rights Movement Reception. I got great seats, 11th row on the floor. I saw Maxine Waters, Danny Glover, Tavis Smiley, Jesse Jackson's wife, daughter and son, the girl from the movie Great Debaters (her name soon to come) janelle told me her name is Journey Smollett, and Frankie Beverly. I got awesome pics which I will most definitely download shortly. I left the reception came back to the hotel to grab a bite to eat and to have a drink. The food was awesome and of course the drink was good. I met fellow delegates, and a couple newscasters and camera crews. I had a great first day. I want to really thank all of you who supported me, encouraged me, and contributed to me. With out ya'll I wouldn't have been here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Fort Bend Democratic Headquarters

I am very fond of the new Fort Bend Democratic Headquarters. We are with all necessary equipment to claim Fort Bend County. I hope many of you come check it out, register to vote, get great democratic gear, and lend a helping hand.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Registering Voters

This morning at 9:30am 12 community organizers met at the new Fort Bend Democrats Headquarters to into different apartments in the area to register voters. We went through two different apartment complexes and knocked door to door asking if everyone was registered to vote and if they'd like to register. We were able to register 35 people during an hour and a half. We did a great job and we will be going to another apartment complex later today at 6:30 to make sure they are registered as well. If you are interested in this get with the Fort Bend Democrats and we'll be ready to put you to work. Remeber vote OBAMA!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fellow Democrats

Pictures from the Fort Bend County Training

Fort Bend County Training

I went to the Fort Bend County Training Session last night and I thought it was a great turn out. We had four local candidates there and enthusiastic soon to be community organizers. Hopefully with the help of this training, block walking, phone calling and registering new voters we can bring change to Washington, the state house and the local house.